With just a few simple tips, we can be the perfect girlfriend. We need 7 steps to be a perfect girlfriend. First, relax our standards, the perfect girlfriend is not a plastic doll. Second, make an effort, for example sometimes dress up special. Third, massage his ego. Forth, feed him. To satisfy man’s stomach is very important, if your boyfriend is hungry, his attention will shift suddenly from you to the fridge. Fifth, give him space because a man’s friends are important to him. Sixth, listen to him because men enjoy explaining things. Seventh, in the bedroom don't tell him off because he finds you devastatingly attractive all of the time.

Opinion I think step 6 “listen to him” is the most important step to be a perfect girlfriend. My boyfriend is very talkative, so I have to listen to him and agree with his opinion. I’m talkative too, so this step is very difficult. But this step is very important, so I try to listen to him. I think step 5 “give him space” is also important to be perfect girlfriend. I think a man has many hobbies, and friends. And these are very important for men, so we must give him space. I have a boyfriend, but now I think I’m not a perfect girlfriend. I want to be a perfect girlfriend, so I will try to do these 7 steps. I was very interested in this video.
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