Mongomery.M,L, Anne of Green Gables, Japan: IBC Publishing, 120 pages, Japan
Responding to the Plot: (a)If you were a character in the story, what would have done differently?
I think there are many differences between Anne and me.
One of the differences is that I don’t like fight, so if I were Anne I would forgive Gilbert at once. I thought Anne was too stubborn.
Second, I don’t like study, so if I were Anne I would not study hard and,I could not won the scholarship to pay for four years at Redmond College. I respect Anne in that point. Anne is very diligent, and I want to be so.
Analyzing 7 Literary Terms
1. Setting: on Prince Edward Island in Canada in the end of 19c
2. Point of View: The story is told from the third person.
3. Conflict: Anne has a competitive spirit to Gilbert since he played a trick to Anne. Anne and Gilbert rivaled in studying.
4. Climax: The scene which she graduated with the highest mark in English and won the scholarship to pay for four years at Redmond College. She studied very hard to get scholarship of Redmond College, and she carried out it.
5. Symbol: The red hair is a symbol of disgrace. She has a longing for black hair.
6. Irony: Anne hated Gilbert since he played a trick to her, but at last they became the best of friends.
7. Theme: The theme of this book is “Love” including friendship. Anne was an orphan so she didn’t have home, family and friends before she kept by Matthew and Marilla. She was loved by many people in Green Gables, and also she loved many people.
Reflecting on the story: (h) What is something you learned from the story?
I learned how important love and friends are from this story. At first Marilla didn’t have good impression to Anne, and Marilla was going to sent Anne back to the asylum. But
she changed her mind to keep her, and she loves Anne deeply. Anne didn’t know real love before she came to Green Gables, but in Green Gables she was loved deeply. And she got happiness.
Gilbert and Anne were rivals, but at last scene Gilbert changed his place of work for Anne, and Gilbert and Anne became the best of friends.
People cannot live without help of other people. Mutual help is very important for us to live. I learned this from this story.
Responding to the Plot: (a)If you were a character in the story, what would have done differently?
I think there are many differences between Anne and me.
One of the differences is that I don’t like fight, so if I were Anne I would forgive Gilbert at once. I thought Anne was too stubborn.
Second, I don’t like study, so if I were Anne I would not study hard and,I could not won the scholarship to pay for four years at Redmond College. I respect Anne in that point. Anne is very diligent, and I want to be so.
Analyzing 7 Literary Terms
1. Setting: on Prince Edward Island in Canada in the end of 19c
2. Point of View: The story is told from the third person.
3. Conflict: Anne has a competitive spirit to Gilbert since he played a trick to Anne. Anne and Gilbert rivaled in studying.
4. Climax: The scene which she graduated with the highest mark in English and won the scholarship to pay for four years at Redmond College. She studied very hard to get scholarship of Redmond College, and she carried out it.
5. Symbol: The red hair is a symbol of disgrace. She has a longing for black hair.
6. Irony: Anne hated Gilbert since he played a trick to her, but at last they became the best of friends.
7. Theme: The theme of this book is “Love” including friendship. Anne was an orphan so she didn’t have home, family and friends before she kept by Matthew and Marilla. She was loved by many people in Green Gables, and also she loved many people.
Reflecting on the story: (h) What is something you learned from the story?
I learned how important love and friends are from this story. At first Marilla didn’t have good impression to Anne, and Marilla was going to sent Anne back to the asylum. But

Gilbert and Anne were rivals, but at last scene Gilbert changed his place of work for Anne, and Gilbert and Anne became the best of friends.
People cannot live without help of other people. Mutual help is very important for us to live. I learned this from this story.
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